@inproceedings{gorski2018developers, title = {Developers Deserve Security Warnings, Too: On the Effect of Integrated Security Advice on Cryptographic API Misuse}, author = {Peter Leo Gorski and Luigi Lo Iacono and Dominik Wermke and Christian Stransky and Sebastian M\"{o}ller and Yasemin Acar and Sascha Fahl}, year = {2018}, month = aug, booktitle = {Fourteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, SOUPS 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA, August 12-14, 2018}, publisher = {USENIX Association}, pages = {265--281}, url = {https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2018/presentation/gorski}, date = {2018-08-12}, }